New directions of development - we are looking into space!
Responsible and sustainable development of new technologies is a constant dialogue between theory and practice, between scientific research and technological and production possibilities. Therefore, INTERkrąż has been cooperating with leading Polish universities for many years in the field of selected transport solutions in various conditions and applications.
And so, one of the projects supported by INTERkrąż resulted this summer with an unexpected success on the international arena - on June 2 and 3, the AGH Space Team, i.e. the team of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, also supported by INTERkrąż, took second place in the competition for the construction of the lunar conveyor regolith, entitledhttps://www.urania.edu.pl/wiadomosci/jak-transportowac-sypka-skale-na-ksiezycu-projekt-studentow-agh“Over the Dusty Moon Challenge”, which took place on the premises Colorado School of Mines.